About us

AIR webAgency is Creative Agency based in Acri (Cosenza) Italy.

We are a creative agency specialized in designing and implementing successful online experiences.

AIR webAgency is a small Calabrian company composed of talented designers, developers, seo specialists, videomakers, creatives and communication experts.

We provide visual communication and application software development for New Media, websites, interactive applications, graphics & video productions

Creative and communication professionals who breathe and live the web every day.

We love working in groups because we believe we are stronger when we cooperate.

It is thanks to our common experience and the meeting of our different skills that we create and implement high added value solutions.

We use all the tools that the network makes available to us and our customers.

We believe in the potential expressed by online systems and in any tool takes advantage of modern technologies.

We love open source software and everything that makes the network a great community.

Experts that will create an amazing job


Strategy, design and technology. Or what we like to call it, a party.

We love design when it is allied with the message, for the best possible user experience.
We are obsessed with the quest for simplicity as a synthesis of complex information.
You will be free to comply with your attitudes, because we believe in the sense of personal responsibility.

You can measure yourself with yourself in the daily comparison with others.
You will have to be creative, fast and extraordinarily communicative.
You will have to convince us of your seriousness.
Having said that we pay well and we do not watch the clock :)

Making right decisions,
in the right moments.

projects completed
happy clients
working hours


We are proud of our work

Cafè Italia

Cafè Italia

Cafè Italia

HTML Theme

Cafè Italia

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec suscipit, nisi at laoreet laoreet, risus lorem rhoncus enim, ut tincidunt ipsum sem at massa. Nulla vel metus dolor. Donec et dolor aliquet, sodales risus quis, efficitur justo. Donec nec pretium ante. Nulla ut finibus eros, non vestibulum nisi. Donec elementum ultricies risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam sollicitudin justo diam, eget sagittis dui lacinia sit amet. Vivamus semper enim sed nisl ornare rutrum. Aenean tellus elit, vehicula in ultrices at, cursus malesuada lacus.

Cafè Italia
19 October, 2022

Xavier Agency HTML Theme on Themeforest

Xavier Agency HTML Theme on Themeforest

Xavier Agency HTML Theme on Themeforest

HTML Theme

Agency Xavier

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec suscipit, nisi at laoreet laoreet, risus lorem rhoncus enim, ut tincidunt ipsum sem at massa. Nulla vel metus dolor. Donec et dolor aliquet, sodales risus quis, efficitur justo. Donec nec pretium ante. Nulla ut finibus eros, non vestibulum nisi. Donec elementum ultricies risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam sollicitudin justo diam, eget sagittis dui lacinia sit amet. Vivamus semper enim sed nisl ornare rutrum. Aenean tellus elit, vehicula in ultrices at, cursus malesuada lacus.

23 February, 2016

Branding Identity, Business Cards & Glasses

Branding Identity, Business Cards & Glasses

Branding Identity, Business Cards & Glasses

We made Branding Identity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu sodales mi, vel iaculis dolor. Ut tincidunt lectus pellentesque tellus accumsan elementum. Integer eget congue massa. Nulla venenatis, arcu quis hendrerit lobortis, eros augue varius nisl, nec laoreet augue mauris eu magna.

Bags and T-shirt design

Bags and T-shirt design
Bags and T-shirt design
We made bag and T-shirt design
Bags and T-shirt design


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Graphic Design
PSD Mockup
February 12, 2016
Live URL

Creating Envelope Brand Presentation

Creating Envelope Brand Presentation

Creating Envelope Brand Presentation

The mission

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus hendrerit tellus vitae sollicitudin placerat. Aliquam eget lectus est. Suspendisse sodales pellentesque ante, maximus vehicula lacus fringilla laoreet. Phasellus vitae turpis mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ultricies sollicitudin egestas. Quisque d sapien nisi, in rutrum odio pretium quis.


Visual design & development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus hendrerit tellus vitae sollicitudin placerat. Aliquam eget lectus est. Suspendisse sodales pellentesque ante, maximus vehicula lacus fringilla laoreet. Phasellus vitae turpis mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ultricies sollicitudin egestas. Quisque d sapien nisi, in rutrum odio pretium quis.


Our team

Yes! This is AIR
Gianluca Garotto
Carmela Tocci


New HTML Agency theme
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Crea una Campagna Pubblicitaria di Successo
Le aziende italiane spesso ignorano le leggi che regolano la pubblicità e, a prescindere dalla grandezza del tuo business, avere una buona conoscenza in questo settore può portarti molti risultati. [...]
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Come Utilizzare al meglio Facebook e i Social Media
Sia che tu abbia un’impresa che già utilizza tecniche di web marketing, sia che tu stia iniziando adesso ad esplorare i Social Media nel tuo business, sono sempre tanti i nuovi strumenti da esplorare e da imparare [...]
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La Psicologia dei Colori nel Marketing e nel Branding
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Come Trasmettere Fiducia Tramite il Tuo Sito Web
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We love our clients

Our contact

If you are looking for a perfect team for your projects, we’d love to talk to you!


AIR webAgency
via Giovanni Amendola, n° 204,
87041 Acri (Cosenza),

facebook / instagram

Contact Form